日期:2009-11-03 A warship built with steel salvaged from the World Trade Center has arrived in New York City. 从世贸中心废墟中挖掘出来的钢材制造的战舰抵达纽约。 The USS New York sailed up the Hudson River to near Ground Zero, where it fired a 21-gun salute(廿一响... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-11-02 Stephen Fry has made online peace with another user of the micro-blogging site Twitter who called his posts boring. Stephen Fry与另一名微博客Twitter的用户达成在线和解,据悉该用户称Fry的文章令人厌烦的。 Stephen Fry is one of the most prolific celebri... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-11-02 Attempts to sell the burial vault above the remains of Hollywood film star Marilyn Monroe have failed for a second time. 好莱坞影星玛丽莲梦露遗体上面的穹形墓穴的出售尝试再次失败。 Marilyn Monroe's grave, with flower, is in Westwood Village Memorial... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-11-02 American Idol host Ryan Seacrest has been granted a restraining order against a man arrested on Friday on suspicion of stalking the star. 《美国偶像》节目主持人Ryan Seacrest对一名男子的禁令被通过,该男子周五因意图潜近Seacrest而被捕。 Ryan Seacrest s... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-10-31 受经济危机的影响,今年很多美国人都选择过一个节约型的万圣节,自制万圣节服装和服装互换活动增势明显。据美国零售联合会的调查显示,近三分之一的消费者表示当前的经济形势对其万圣节消费有影响;这其中,有88%的消费者计划减少支出。调查发现,在网上搜索自制万圣... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-10-31 最新数据显示,中国60岁以上老人的离婚率正在上升,黄昏散现象逐渐增多。到上月底,上海静安区人民法院全国唯一一个老年审判庭已受理60岁以上老人离婚案件37起,比上年增加68%。据办案法官介绍,老年人离婚案中再婚又离婚的比例比较高;与此同时,在儿女成家立业之后... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-10-31 最近,两位新西兰建筑师在他们新近出版的书中表示,猫和狗这两种全世界最普遍的家养宠物每年所消耗的能源比一辆汽车还要多。这本书名为《是时候把狗给吃了:可持续生活指南》,作者在书中指出,养一只中型犬对生态环境带来的影响跟一辆4.6升的陆地巡洋舰一年行驶1万公... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-10-31 日本首相鸠山由纪夫的夫人鸠山幸近日获得了由日本牛仔裤协会颁发的牛仔裤达人奖,颁奖方称鸠山夫人把牛仔裤穿出得很优雅,而且还带点新潮的感觉。在颁奖现场,鸠山夫人表示,这是她一直很向往获得的奖项,并称自己很喜欢穿牛仔裤,而且还鼓励丈夫平时多穿牛仔裤。在此... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-10-31 马尔代夫总统近日在首都北部一处20英尺(约合6米)深的海域举行了世界上首个水下内阁会议,希望以此引起世界各国对全球变暖问题的关注。这次水下内阁会议进行了30分钟,出席会议的内阁成员们都穿着专业潜水衣围坐在一个马蹄形的桌子旁边通过白板和手势互相交流。据称,... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-10-29 The EU has urged its members to use the same part of the airwaves for mobile broadband to help achieve its target of 100% broadband coverage by 2013. 欧盟呼吁其成员国使用同一频率的移动宽频电波,以帮助达成2013年以前宽带覆盖100%的目标。 Digital switch... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-10-29 Actress Barbara Windsor, who plays Peggy Mitchell in EastEnders, is to leave the BBC One soap next year. 在《伦敦东区》中扮演Peggy Mitchell的女演员Barbara Windsor,明年将离开BBC第一台。 Windsor has become a stalwart of the soap opera The 72-year-old... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-10-29 Hollywood actress Charlize Theron did not have the consent of South Africa's Nelson Mandela to auction off a meeting with him, his office says. 南非纳尔逊曼德拉办公室称,好莱坞女演员Charlize Theron没有获得曼德拉的同意与之会谈。 Charlize Theron met M... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-10-28 Australians may have to leave coastal areas as rising sea levels threaten homes, according to a new report. 一项新报告显示,由于海平面上升的威胁,澳大利亚人不得不离开沿海地区。 About 80% of Australians live in coastal areas The parliamentary committ... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-10-28 Business secretary Peter Mandelson is expected to outline how the UK government will deal with file-sharers on 28th October. 英国商务大臣Peter Mandelson将要于10月28号概述英国政府处理文件共享者的方法。 Peter Mandelson intervened to toughen up UK pira... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-10-28 Visitors to technology blog Gizmodo are being warned that they could have picked up more than tips about the latest must-have gadget. 技术博客Gizmodo的访问者收到警告:他们的电脑存在漏洞,需要下载最新的插件。 40 million people have fallen victim to s... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-10-28 Actress Scarlett Johansson is to make her Broadway debut in Arthur Miller's A View from the Bridge. 女演员Scarlett Johansson将出演阿瑟米勒的独幕剧《桥头眺望》首次登场百老汇。 Johansson has appeared in films including Lost In Translation She will sta... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-10-28 Comedian Ricky Gervais is set to present the Golden Globe film awards, organisers have announced. 喜剧演员Ricky Gervais将要出席金球电影奖。 Gervais presented an award at the Primetime Emmys in September The Office and Extras star was approached afte... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-10-27 The victim of the sexual assault committed by Roman Polanski has called for charges against the film director to be dismissed, court documents show. 法庭文件显示,导演Roman Polanski性侵犯案的受害者请求撤回对其诉讼请求。 Ms Geimer said Polanski had b... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-10-27 A man accused of assaulting pop star Leona Lewis is not fit to attend court, a judge has been told. 一位法官得知,攻击流行歌手Leona Lewis的男子不适合出庭受审。 Leona Lewis was signing copies of her autobiography Peter Kowalczyk, 29, was charged with... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-10-27 Pop star Madonna has marked the start of construction at the girls school she is building in Malawi. 流行举行麦当娜出席了在马拉威她赞助建造的一座女子学校建设的奠基仪式。 The 51-year-old cut a ribbon and planted a tree at the groundbreaking(破土,开... 阅读全文>>

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