日期:2010-01-13 Violent video games have a much bigger negative influence on kids than pornography, a leading porn star has claimed. 一位主流色情明星宣称,暴力电子游戏比色情文学对孩子的负面影响更大。 Mr Jeremy hit out at games like Modern Warfare 2 He said parents... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-01-13 The Information Commissioner's Office will be able to issue fines of up to 500,000 for serious data security breaches. 信息专员办公室将有权就重大数据安全漏洞签发高达50万英镑罚款。 The new statute was laid before Parliament on 12 January. The new rul... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-01-13 American Idol judge Simon Cowell has confirmed he will leave the programme at the end of this season as he takes British show The X Factor to Fox TV. 《美国偶像》节目嘉宾西蒙考威尔证实,自己将会在本赛季末离开此节目,因为他将担任福克斯电视台英国节目... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-01-13 US actor Tobey Maguire and director Sam Raimi will not be returning for a fourth film in the hit Spider-Man franchise, it has been announced. 有消息称,美国演员托比马奎尔以及导演山姆雷米将不会继续参与蜘蛛侠第四部的制作。 Tobey Maguire starred in the... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-01-13 Italy is to open one of the world's first prisons for transgender inmates, reports say. 有报道称,意大利将要开启世界上第一座关押跨性别囚犯所使用的监狱。 Many prisons in Italy suffer from overcrowding The prison, at Pozzale, near the Tuscan city of F... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-01-13 A UN investigation has cleared Guatemala's President Alvaro Colom of involvement in the murder of a prominent lawyer, Rodrigo Rosenberg. 一个联合国调查机构澄清,危地马拉总统科洛姆与一位著名律师罗德里格罗森伯格的谋杀案无关。 Mr Colom has always denie... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-01-13 Chile's president has apologised to the descendants of a group of indigenous people who were shipped to Europe in the late 19th Century and exhibited. 智利总统向19世纪晚期被运往欧洲展览的一批本土居民的后裔们致歉。 Chile's president said the governme... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-01-12 A Dutch inquiry into the run-up to the Iraq war is to issue its report. 一个荷兰的伊拉克战争起因调查组将要发表调查报告。 Jan-Peter Balkenende lent political support to the Iraq war The current Dutch government set up the inquiry following the leakin... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-01-12 More than 24 million Chinese men of marrying age could find themselves without spouses by 2020, says the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. 中国社会科学院称,超过2400万达到结婚年龄的中国男子在2020年将找不到自己的另一半。 In some provinces, 130 boys... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-01-12 Former Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin has signed to be a contributor on the Fox News Channel, her lawyer has said. 阿拉斯加前州长萨拉佩琳已与福克斯新闻频道签署协议成为一名投稿人。 Mrs Palin has growing popularity among US conservatives Mrs Palin, wh... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-01-12 A US court has heard an appeal by multi-national companies seeking to dismiss a case against them over their role in apartheid-era South Africa. 一家美国法院接受了几家跨国公司的联名诉讼请求,该请求试图摆脱关于他们在南非种族隔离时期所扮演角色的一件诉... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-01-12 The first US federal court case to determine whether states are allowed to ban same-sex marriages has opened in San Francisco, California. 美国加州联邦法院第一次判定其是否有权禁止同性恋婚姻案件在旧金山展开审理。 Two gay couples are testifying at the... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-01-11 The first Detroit motor show after US carmakers General Motors and Chrysler emerged from bankruptcy opens later. 美国汽车制造商通用和克莱斯勒从破产中显露出来之后,举办的第一个车展不久将在底特律开幕。 Detroit wants an electric auto industry The event... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-01-11 The US embassy in the Sudanese capital Khartoum has warned of a possible attack on Air Uganda planes. 苏丹首都喀土穆的美国大使馆警告美国侨民,与乌干达之间的班机可能会遭到袭击。 The US said regional extremists could target the flights The embassy sai... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-01-09 Avatar is on course to become the highest grossing film of all time, making $1.14bn (700m) since its release less than three weeks ago. 《阿凡达》预计将成为史上收益最高的电影,不到三周的公映就已创造11.4亿美元的票房。 Avatar has had phenomenal succes... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-01-09 Animal rights group PETA has used the image of Michelle Obama without her consent on a new poster that praises the U.S. first lady for not wearing fur, the White House said on Wednesday. 美国白宫于本周三称,动物权益组织善待动物协会未经第一夫人米歇尔... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-01-09 Thousands of married men and women around Britain are turning to adultery to relieve the boredom of being snowed in, according to an extramarital dating website. 英国一家婚外恋网站日前称,由于连日大雪让人倍感无聊,英国各地数千名已婚男女竟寻求婚外情... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-01-09 More than a quarter of British women believe fitting into an old pair of jeans again would feel better than sex, according to research. 一项调查显示,英国超过四分之一的女性认为能够重新穿上一条昔日牛仔裤的感觉比做爱还要好。 The poll by cereal Special... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-01-09 法国今年将实施一部新法,已婚夫妻或者同居伴侣之间如果有恶语相向等心理暴力行为将会受到法律制裁。对于伴侣的外貌反复污辱评价、诬陷伴侣不忠以及暴力威胁等行为均在该法规定的罪名之列。据悉,这部法律是由法国总理提议颁布的,意在保护那些深受家庭暴力之苦的女性... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-01-09 美国总统奥巴马近日任命首位变性人为为美国商务部工业安全局高级技术顾问,得到任命后,她将负责管理国际贸易、执行国际条例、提升国家发展、保护国家经济及网络安全。这位名为阿曼达辛普森的变性女子原名米契尔,在上世纪90年代通过变性手术从男性变为女性。她拥有物... 阅读全文>> |