日期:2010-01-08 Allies of Nigeria's ailing president forged his signature on the country's supplementary budget last month, opposition politicians have alleged. 尼日利亚反对党政客宣称,病重总统的助手伪造了上月国家追加预算文件的总统签名。 President Umaru Yar'Adua ha... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-01-06 Boris Bobbie Tsankov, a prominent crime journalist who reported on the mafia in Bulgaria, has been killed by gunmen in the capital, Sofia. 鲍里斯博比灿可夫,保加利亚一位杰出的报道黑手党犯罪的记者在首都索菲亚被枪杀。 Tsankov was gunned down in a busy... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-01-06 The Australian government has played down a travel advisory issued by India warning of the risk of violence against Indian students in Melbourne. 印度政府签发的一项旅行公告中称印度学生在墨尔本有遭遇暴力事件的危险,澳大利亚政府对此表示否认。 Mr Garg... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-01-06 Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama has said he does not want his finance minister, Hirohisa Fujii, to resign. 日本首相鸠山由纪夫称,他不愿意看到财政部长Hirohisa Fujii的辞职。 Hirohisa Fujii has been seen as a champion of fiscal restraint Earlier... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-01-06 Kenyan police say they have deported a Jamaican-born Muslim cleric notorious for preaching racial hatred but have declined to say where he has gone. 肯尼亚警方将一位牙买加出生的穆斯林牧师驱逐出境,但拒绝透露其去向。据悉该牧师因宣扬种族仇恨而声名狼藉... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-01-06 Google has unveiled an own-brand smartphone called the Nexus One. 谷歌发布旗下自有品牌智能手机Nexus One。 The wraps外衣,包裹 were taken off the handset at an invitation-only event held at Google's Mountain View HQ. The Nexus One is a slim, touchscr... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-01-05 Kenyan authorities have arrested a gang suspected of killing a white rhino and cutting off and selling its horns. 肯尼亚当局逮捕一个犯罪团伙,该团伙涉嫌杀死一头白犀牛并切下、出售犀牛角。 Julius Kipng'etich said 2009 had been a bad year for rhino con... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-01-05 A Malawian judge has rejected a bail application by two gay men charged with public indecency after getting engaged. 一位马拉维法官拒绝了一对男同性恋者的保释申请,据悉此二人订婚后因为公开猥亵罪而遭指控。 Steven Monjeza (L) and Tiwonge Chimbalanga (R... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-01-03 A suspected senior member of one of Mexico's major drugs cartels has been arrested, officials say. 墨西哥官员称,一名疑似某大型贩毒团伙的高级成员落入法网。 Carlos Beltran Leyva was arrested carrying false documents, police say Carlos Beltran Leyva w... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-01-03 Want to forget 2009? Shred it. 想忘记2009年(的烦恼)?把它粉碎了吧! Tom Tompkins with the Times Square Alliance shreds Tiger Woods headlines Monday, Dec. 28, 2009 in New York's Times Square. Need to say good riddance to bad memories from 2009? Hea... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-01-03 Trouble struck paradise this week when a British man who has the Best Job in the World as the caretaker of a tropical Australian island was stung by a potentially lethal jellyfish. 天堂在本周也遇到了麻烦。世界最好工作获得者、澳大利亚一热带岛屿的护岛... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-12-31 摩纳哥王子阿尔伯特二世最近表示要通过填海扩地的方式扩大土地面积,以缓解人口过于密集的现状。据悉,该项工程将耗资100亿英镑,计划自王宫和历史中心所在地西部的芳薇耶区向地中海扩展,扩地面积约12.5英亩,相当于5个足球场那么大,规划中的建筑物包括豪华地产、写... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-12-31 据一项最新调查显示,北京人每天上下班花在路上的时间正在增加,而这主要是由路面上不断在增加的机动车导致的。数据显示,自2007年至今,北京市机动车增加了100万辆,到12月25日,北京市机动车保有量已冲破400万辆大关。由此带来的直接影响是,北京人每天在上下班高峰... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-12-29 A man charged with trying to blow up a transatlantic plane had been on a UK watch-list, the government has said. 一名试图爆炸一架美国飞机的男子已经进入英国严密监视名单。 Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was refused a visa Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, 23, was... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-12-29 Nine people have been killed in a fire at an apartment block in the US state of Mississippi, say officials. 美国密西西比州一座公寓楼发生大火,9人丧生。 At least six children were among the dead, state fire marshal消防局长 Mike Chaney told the Associ... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-12-29 Two Argentine men have become the first gay couple in Latin America to marry. 两名阿根廷男子成为拉美第一对结婚的同性恋者。 The couple were married at a registry office in Ushuaia Alejandro Freyre, 39, and Jose Maria Di Bello, 41, tied the knot结婚 i... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-12-28 Some of the closest relatives of Al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden are living in a secret compound in Iran, Britain's the Times newspaper reported Wednesday. 据英国《泰晤士报》本周三报道,基地组织头目奥萨马本拉登的一些最近的亲属目前栖身在伊朗的一个秘... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-12-28 Japanese Emperor Akihito turned 76 on Wednesday, wishing his people an early economic recovery in the coming year and voicing hope that the country would not be crippled by a resurgent swine flu pandemic. 本周三,日本明仁天皇迎来了他76岁的生日。他祝... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-12-26 A Japanese man has married a character in a popular video game, taking her -- and his handheld game console -- on an overseas honeymoon. 近日,日本一名男子与一款十分流行的视频游戏中的女主角结婚,并带上新娘(当然还有便携掌上机)去海外度蜜月。 An imag... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-12-26 因受近期恶劣天气的影响,英国大部分地区的交通出行状况都表现不佳,英国汽车工业协会在圣诞前夜警告人们最好等到圣诞节后一两天恶劣天气过去再做出行打算。据悉,此次恶劣天气已经导致至少19人丧生,而英国国内各个交通行业均受到严重影响。大量航班晚点或取消,火车... 阅读全文>> |