日期:2015-03-10 Genuine snaps of super-rich youngsters posing with luxury items are paired with staged pics of people with more mundane things - and they've helped boost trade. 土豪少年真实炫富照与穷逼少年戏仿照对比展示,帮助肯德基增长营业额。 KFC has seen its alre... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-03-10 China will begin blacklisting and punishing officials who interfere in judicial activities, under plans approved by the country's top reform planning committee on Friday. 中央全面深化改革领导小组周五(2月27日)通过的决议规定,干预司法活动的官员将被... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-03-10 Three gay men from Thailand have tied the knot in what is thought to be the world's first three-way same-sex marriage. 泰国三名男同性恋日前喜结连理,被认为是全球首例同性三人婚姻。 Happy newlyweds Joke, 29, Bell, 21 and Art, 26, took the plunge on Va... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-03-10 Worried about what will happen to your Facebook account after you die? Worry no more as a new feature introduced by the social networking giant on Thursday allows users to choose a legacy contact' who will inherit your account after you die. 还在担... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-03-10 Angela Garvin's alarm goes off at 6.30am every day. As a legal adviser, she has to be up early, and has a strict skin regime to get through. 安吉拉加文每天早上6点半被闹钟叫醒。作为一名法律顾问,她必须早起,而且还必须留足时间进行严格的护肤程序。 Firs... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-03-08 As the Daily Mail reports, 37-year-old Henry Damon of Caracas, Venezuela has undergone several procedures, including cutting off a part of his nose, to make himself look like the villain Red Skull from the popular comic book. 据英国《每日邮报》报道... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-03-08 Samsung is warning customers about discussing personal information in front of their smart television set. 三星警告消费者在智能电视前不要交谈个人信息。 The warning applies to TV viewers who control their Samsung Smart TV using its voice activation f... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-03-08 A British film maker who 'married' a tribal warrior says she agreed to it to highlight the oil giants destroying his Amazon home. 英国一位电影制片人日前把自己下嫁到了土著部落,她表示自己同意与一位土著武士成婚是为了警醒世人,石油巨头企业正在摧毁土著... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-03-08 Continuing its 167-year history of offering the Best, the Only and the Unexpected, Hammacher Schlemmer introduces The Selfie Toaster, which indelibly brands its owner's image onto slices of bread. 美国零售商马赫尔施莱默公司167年来一直秉承着只提供最... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-03-06 A passenger plane has skidded off the runway at New York's LaGuardia airport. 纽约拉瓜迪亚机场一架客机滑离跑道。 Delta flight 1086 is seen after it slid off the runway upon landing at New York\s LaGuardia Airport March 5, 2015. None of the 132 peopl... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-03-04 The latest Bond filming has hit Rome. 邦德最新电影《幽灵党》已在罗马开拍。 Cars have been seen racing along the streets leading to St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican. Director Sam Mendes film - SPECTRE - is going to be shooting in Rome for the next... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-03-04 Chinese mobile brands including Huawei, ZTE and Gionee are displaying their latest technology at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain. 包括华为、中兴与金立在内的中国手机厂商在西班牙巴塞罗那全球移动大会上展出各自的最新技术。 The new Huawei M... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-03-03 BYD is to open its first factory in Brazil this year. 比亚迪今年将在巴西开设第一家工厂。 File phot of BYD representives negotiating with Brazilian side on July 17, 2014. The move aims to optimize urban transport and reduce costs of vehicles for the... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-03-03 Volkswagen Passat won the Car of the Year award 2015 ahead of the upcoming 85th International Motor Show in Geneva. 大众旗下的帕萨特在第85届日内瓦国际汽车展荣获2015年年度汽车。 A total of 58 car journalists from 22 European countries submitted their... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-03-02 Famous Chinese singer Yin Xiangjie has been sentenced to 7 months in prison and fined 2000 yuan for illegal drug possession. 中国著名歌手尹相杰因非法持有毒品罪被判处7个月监禁并罚款两千元。 Singer Yin Xiangjie stands at the first trial where he was c... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-03-02 The number of mobile phone users in southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region has reached nearly 3 million, according to the latest data. 最新数据显示,中国西南部西藏自治区手机用户几乎达到300万。 By the end of 2014, Tibet had 2.92 million registered... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-02-27 Apple has sent out invitations to a special event on March 9th in San Francisco. 苹果将于3月9日在旧金山举行一场特殊活动,其邀请函已经发出。 It's being reported the company is going to unveil the details for its release of the Apple Watch. Apple CEO... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-02-25 Jackie Chan's Dragon Blade was the big winner over Chinese New Year celebrations. 成龙影片《天将雄狮》在中国农历新年假期间热播。 Hong Kong kungfu superstar Jackie Chan speaks during a press conference for his movie Dragon Blade in Beijing, China, 21... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-02-25 Official data shows the land area used in Chinese real estate development has fallen sharply through this past year. 官方数据显示,2014年用于房地产开发土地的使用率急剧下降。 151-thousand hectares of land was set aside for new home construction last... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-02-25 Dozens of people have been hurt after a commuter train derailment in southern California. 美国加州南部一列通勤列车脱轨,数十人受伤。 An aerial view shows the scene of a double-decker Metrolink train derailment in Oxnard, California on February 24, 2... 阅读全文>>

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