日期:2015-02-23 The first step to taking care of yourself and de-stressing is to make sure that your environment is in order. Seeing your house full of clutter can affect your mood negatively and make your personal space seem like a place you want to escape from, r... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-02-23 Listening to a romantic wedding song can be enough to reduce anyone to tears - even a two-year-old girl. 听一首浪漫的婚礼曲足以令人感动落泪甚至是一个才两岁大的小萝莉。 In a video that has garnered nearly 130,000 views since it was posted on Wednesda... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-02-23 A single dad in Colorado has easily become a strong contender for 'Father of the Year' 近日,美国科罗拉多州一位单亲爸爸轻而易举地成为年度爸爸的热门人... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-02-23 When pet owners dress up their dogs in miniature white dresses and tiny tuxes, some believe the barks that signal 'I do' reveal true puppy love. 当主人们为自己的狗狗精心打扮,给它们穿上迷你白色婚纱和燕尾服时,有些人相信,这时候狗狗的叫声就是在表达象... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-02-16 How to change a tyre, his personal alcohol limits and basic DIY are all on the list of essential man facts, according to researchers. 研究人员表示,怎么更换轮胎、了解自己的酒量如何,以及一些基本的DIY技巧都被列为男人必备的技能。 Researchers have unve... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-02-13 A swimming teacher claims she is a human buoy - because she can float upright in water without sinking. 一名游泳教师自称人肉游泳圈,因为她能够直立漂浮在水中,不会下沉。 Libby Tucker, 67, of Sheerness, Kent says she has been able to perform the trick... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-02-13 Customers at Lloyds will soon be able to set up an account or take out a credit card by sending a photo of themselves from their smartphone or tablet. 不久的将来,劳埃德银行的客户可以通过他们的智能手机或平板电脑上传自己的个人相片,以创建银行账户或是... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-02-13 Valentine's Day can be a bit of a struggle. How much should you spend on him to let him know you care? Will she like that perfume you bought her? 情人节是个有些令人纠结费神的日子。你该花多少钱才能让他知道你在乎他?她会喜欢你买给她的香水吗? And then... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-02-13 Ryan McKnight spent a staggering 470 hours recreating the historic town of Pompeii entirely from Lego. 瑞安麦克奈特花费长达470小时,用乐高玩具还原出历史古城庞贝。 McKnight who's been nicknamed 'The Brickman' whiled away the equivalent of nearly thre... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-02-13 Church of Scientology leaders ordered the wiretapping of Nicole Kidman's telephones during her marriage to Tom Cruise as part of a campaign to break up the couple, according to an explosive new documentary. 据一份新的爆炸性文件指出,在妮可基德曼和汤... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-02-13 Australia-based low-cost airline Jetstar Airways is offering an escape and a chance to find love at the same time. 澳大利亚廉价航空公司捷星航空为乘客提供了一次寻找真爱的机会。 A few days shy of the world's annual days of horror for singles -- namely... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-02-12 These days it seems that giving your baby some ridiculously weird name has become the norm. 现在,似乎给孩子起个稀奇古怪的名字是司空见惯了。 Names like John, James and Emma are out, and monikers inspired by celebrities and their offspring are in. Ac... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-02-12 Farmers claim to have grown onions that do not cause tears when chopped or leave diners with bad breath. After two decades of cultivation, a new sweet variety of red onions has been created in Bedfordshire. 农民称已种出一种洋葱,让你切它时不会再流泪... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-02-12 A photograph or postcard is popular souvenirs to take with us after visiting a foreign country. But one Singaporean woman has designed a novel way to remember places she has visited throughout the world - by creating stunning canvases using a needle... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-02-11 Visit the grave of a relative in central Mexico and you're just as likely to find their body, writhing in apparent eternal agony, mummified and propped up for the amusement of tourists than resting in peace. 在墨西哥瓜纳华托,人们在墓园吊唁亡故时,... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-02-11 The aptly named Salt Restaurant in Shiraz, southern Iran, is completely made of salt. The walls, bar, tables and chairs are entirely made of the white mineral; even the stairs have a smooth, salty coating. 在伊朗南部城市设拉子,有一家完全用盐建成的... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-02-11 Losing your keys is bad enough, but having to replace the entire lock because you don't have a key to copy makes things even worse - not to mention expensive. The KeyMe app promises to take the hassle and cost out of this by letting you store photos... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-02-11 Spilling food all over yourself, your date leaving halfway through dinner or being stood up are the UK's most feared dating mishaps. 将食物撒了一身,饭吃到一半对象却中途离席,约会被人放鸽子,这些都是英国人约会时最怕遇到的情况。 It also emerged that... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-02-08 During the Super Bowl halftime show, Chinese Internet users were abuzz about a woman called Fruit Sister. 超级碗中场秀期间,中国的网友们热议一个名叫水果姐的女人。 Sounds mysterious, but you already know who she is. Fruit Sister, or shui guo jie, is... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-02-08 British MPs have voted in favour of the creation of babies with DNA from two women and one man, in an historic move. 英国国会议员投票通过一项具有历史性意义的决议,支持用两母一父的DNA培育婴儿。 The UK is now set to become the first country to introdu... 阅读全文>> |