日期:2015-01-14 Britain's wealthiest are spending up to 29,000 a year on facial masks and other treatments which have precious metals and gems as ingredients, a BBC2 documentary reveals. 在英国广播公司BBC第二频道播出的纪录片中,英国顶级富豪每年花在以昂贵金属和宝石... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-01-14 Two men who fell in love are getting married as brides after both underwent a full sex change operation to become women. 两名相爱的男性双双接受了彻底的变性手术成为了女性,两人正打算结婚。 Parma Bertoli, 59, and partner Stephanie Nickles, 43, started... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-01-14 Indonesia has cracked down on the sale of cheap tickets for domestic flights to ensure that airlines do not cut corners on safety, the transport ministry said on Thursday. 印度尼西亚交通部8号表示,印尼严厉打击国内航班销售廉价机票,确保航空公司不会在... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-01-12 Russia has listed transsexual and transgender people among those who will no longer qualify for driving licences. 在俄罗斯,变性者和跨性别者再无资格获取驾驶执照。 Fetishism, exhibitionism and voyeurism are also included as mental disorders now barri... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-01-12 British actor Benedict Cumberbatch is to become a father as his partner Sophie Hunter is pregnant, it has been confirmed. 英国演员卷福本尼迪克特康伯巴奇和未婚妻苏菲亨特将迎来二人爱的结晶,卷福。 In a statement to the Guardian, the star's publicist s... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-01-12 AirlineRatings.com the world's only safety and product rating website has announced its top ten safest airlines and top ten safest low cost airlines for 2015 from the 449 it monitors. 日前,航空公司评级网站AirlineRatings.com公布了2015年全球十大最安... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-01-11 Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami is to offer advice to troubled readers in an agony uncle column on his website, his publisher said Tuesday. 日本小说家村上春树的出版商表示,村上春树将在自己的网站开知心大叔专栏,为有苦恼的读者答疑解惑。 The website,... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-01-11 Britain has a higher proportion of single parent families than any other country in Western Europe, official figures show. 官方数据显示,英国单亲家庭比例高于任何西欧其他国家。 An analysis across the EU showed that nearly one in five British families... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-01-11 A seven-year-old girl survived when a small plane in which she was flying with her family crashed in the Kentucky woods, killing her parents, an older sister and a teenage cousin, police said on Saturday. 美国警方上周六透露,一架小型飞机失事坠毁在肯... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-01-11 Gum Chewing gum comes in pretty much every flavor you can think of, no matter which continent you're on. But the weirdest kind to come out of Japan isn't even this fruit-flavored gum riddled with spicy black peppercorns. On the tamer side of things,... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-01-10 Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg vows he will read a book every two weeks, and he's invited people around the world to join him. Facebook创始人兼CEO马克扎克伯格表示,他的新年计划是每两周读一本书。他还邀请全世界的人们一起加入他的行列。 The ye... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-01-10 The act of wearing a hoodie in public could soon be illegal in Oklahoma under a bill proposed by Don Barrington, a Republican state senator. 根据共和党参议员唐巴林顿提出的议案,在美国俄克拉荷马州公共场合穿着帽衫即将成为违法行为。 The bill, an amendm... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-01-10 Teenagers have fewer friends than 20 years ago, research has shown - despite the increasing popularity of social media. 研究表明,与20年前相比较,尽管社交媒体越来越受人们的欢迎,但是青少年的朋友却日益减少。 A study carried out by experts at The Univ... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-01-10 Whole wheat flour, spelt and water are the usual ingredients used to make bread, but add a touch of edible gold and you've got wealthy clients from all around the world stepping on each others' toes trying to secure a loaf of the world's most expens... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-01-10 Next time you buy an app that you realize you don't like, or you're not a fan of a book you've just purchased, Apple will give you your money back. 以后如果不喜欢已购买的app或是书籍,苹果可退款。 Previously, refunds were made on a case-by-case basis... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-01-10 HBO's hit drama Game Of Thrones continues to be the most popular among illegal downloaders, with the series amassing more than eight million downloads, according to new data. 据最新数据显示,在最受欢迎的非法下载剧集中,HBO的热播剧《权力的游戏》以800... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-01-10 If you have ever fought over the TV remote with your partner, you are in good company the whole nation is, apparently, having a similar battle. 如果你曾和家人争抢电视遥控器,那么你并不是一人在战斗很显然,全国家家户户都有类似的斗争。 In fact, it seem... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-01-09 Jaycee Chan, son of kung-fu star Jackie Chan, has been given a sentence of 6 months in jail for the crime of sheltering others to take drugs. 功夫巨星成龙之子房祖名,因为他人提供吸毒场所而获六个月监禁。 Jaycee Chan, son of kung-fu star Jackie Chan,... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-01-09 Sony will postpone the sale of its PlayStation consoles on the Chinese mainland, which were formerly scheduled to release on Sunday. 索尼将推迟PS4游戏机在中国大陆的发售,该机型原定于本周日发售。 Sony and its Chinese partner Shanghai Oriental Pearl G... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-01-09 Japanese automaker Honda has agreed to pay a record 70 million U.S. dollars in fines for failing to report accidents and other safety issues over 11 years. 因11年间未能汇报事故与其它安全问题,日本汽车生产商本田同意支付7千万美元巨额罚款。 Honda has f... 阅读全文>> |