日期:2014-12-14 Bosses of nuisance call companies could be hit with 500,000 fines in a Government crackdown on unwanted calls and texts. 英国政府出台了一项新规定,意在遏制骚扰电话和垃圾信息的泛滥。根据规定,骚扰电话拨出公司的负责人将被处以50万英镑的罚款。 Up to one... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-12-14 The 35 residents left in Nagoro, southern Japan, are now outnumbered three-two-one by the mannequins Tsukimi Ayano has made to replace neighbours who have died or moved away. 日本南部一座名为Nagoro的村庄人烟寥寥,只剩下35人。名为月见绫野艺术家为了让... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-12-13 Forget #pinkhairdontcare, there's a new trend knocking around that's sent Tumblr into tumult. 粉色头发靠边站,轻博客Tumblr上有了新潮流。 Instead of focusing on the color of the hair on their bonce, these women have taken a more creative approach to... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-12-13 据外媒报道,身怀六甲的英国凯特王妃12月8日在美国纽约访问时,在育儿经方面得到美国前国务卿希拉里克林顿的言传身教。 Former US secretary of state Hillary Clinton told the Duchess of Cambridge bonded over motherhood during their meeting at an official fun... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-12-11 A trailer for the highly anticipated TV drama The Empress of China starring Fan Bingbing, has been released in the mainland. 人们高度期待的由范冰冰主演的电视剧《武则天》近日在大陆发布预告片。 Posters of TV play The Empress of China are released and... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-12-11 China's top smartphone maker Xiaomi is facing a temporary ban in India over patent infringement, and the company says it is willing to resolve the matter amicably. 中国智能手机生产商小米因专利侵权问题在印度面临临时的销售禁令,该公司称愿意友善地解决... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-12-11 Five health care workers will share Time Magazine's 2014 Person of the Year award. 五位医护人员将共同获得《时代》杂志2014年度风云人物奖项。 The five include 46-year-old Doctor Jerry Brown, a medical director and general surgeon at the Eternal Love W... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-12-09 South Korean singer Psy can't stop breaking Youtube records. 韩国歌手鸟叔无法停止打破Youtube记录的步伐。 File photo of South Korean singer Psy. The video for Gentleman, the K-Pop star's follow-up to his 2012 international hit Gangnam Style, broke th... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-12-09 Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) will be cut by some 125 million tons this year, a United Nations (UN) official said Monday. 一位联合国官员周一表示,今年二氧化碳的排放量将会削减大约1.25亿吨。 Speaking at a UN climate change conference in Lima, Lila... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-12-08 Old banknotes, which are out of circulation, have been used to generate electricity for the first time in China. These old bank notes were earlier used to make paper products. 中国不再流通的破损钞票首次用于发电。这些钞票之前用于生产纸制品。 The unda... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-12-08 CSCL (China Shipping Container Lines Co.Ltd) Globe, the world's largest container vessel, started its maiden voyage to Europe on Monday in Shanghai. 中国海运集团环球号轮船,世界上最大的集装箱船,周一在上海开始了其目的地为欧洲的处女航。 The CSCL Glob... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-12-05 When police officers in Minority Report predicted who would commit crimes, and stopped them before they happened, it was considered so futuristic the film was set in 2054. 电影《少数派报告》中的警察能预测谁会犯罪,并在他们实施犯罪之前阻止他们。这样... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-12-05 It's been less than three months since Apple unveiled its iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, but rumours suggest the firm is gearing up for its next release already. 虽然iPhone 6和6 Plus发布至今还不满3个月,近日有传闻指出,苹果公司已经在着手准备下一代iPhone产品了... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-12-05 Now, a rising tide of people are going under the knife desperate to enhance their image, driven by a desire to take a better selfie. 现在,越来越多的人为了自拍更好看,不惜走进手术室,用一片柳叶刀换一张梦寐以求的容貌。 From rhinoplasty to eyelid lift... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-12-05 One in four Britons would not trust their neighbour to take delivery of a parcel and 10 per cent suspect them of having stolen post in the past, a survey has found. 一项调查发现,四分之一的英国人表示不会嘱托自己的邻居代领包裹,甚至有10%的英国人怀疑... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-12-05 It appears to be like any other commuter village. But among the cluster of well-kept houses and community centres lies a group of residents living life a little differently. 这个小村庄,表面看起来与其他的村庄并无两样。但是,在这一座座保存完好的住宅... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-12-05 可口可乐公司要卖牛奶了!这家全球最大的饮料生产商将推出全新牛奶品牌Fairlife,但广告中把牛奶泼向裸女的创意,还附带喝下她们所穿的等字句,被痛批物化女性、卖弄色情,还有网友砲轰这是我看过最差的广告! An advertising campaign for Coca-Cola's new high-end m... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-12-05 为响应感恩节过后的星期六小商家日,美国总统奥巴马于11月29日带着两个女儿玛丽亚和萨莎光顾了华盛顿一家知名独立书店,并购买了17本书,其中一本书还与中国有关。 President Barack Obama tried to draw attention to independently owned businesses on the Saturday... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-12-04 Former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt wrote a review on Chinese President Xi Jinping's new book on governance, saying the book offers the world a better understanding of China's development. 德国前总理赫尔穆特施密特对中国国家主席习近平关于治理国家... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-12-04 A Confucius Museum under construction in the hometown of the ancient Chinese educator will open next year, local authorities said. 孔子家乡一座在建的孔子博物馆将于明年对外开放。 The museum complex in Qufu city, Shandong Province, includes a major ex... 阅读全文>>

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