日期:2014-11-07 美国死亡权倡导组织Compassion Choices周日宣布,29岁脑癌患者布列塔尼梅纳德服药结束了自己的生命,她选择按照自己的意愿过完剩下的日子。在发现自己的治疗无法挽救自己的生命时,梅纳德和家人决定迁至俄勒冈州波特兰市,那里有《尊严死亡法》,允许身患绝症、剩下不... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-11-06 China has decided to open its civil aviation markets in 2015, allowing private aircraft to fly in airspace under 1,000 meters without permissions from the military. 中国决定于2015年开放民用航空市场,届时私人飞机在低于1000米的空域内飞行将无需军方许可... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-11-05 When French novelist Patrick Modiano won the Nobel Prize for literature earlier in October, the country's Culture Minister Fleur Pellerin said it showed the influence and vitality of French literature in the eyes of the world. 法国小说家帕特里克莫迪... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-11-05 Although Japan is not often considered the best place for sexual equality, steps are definitely being taken in the right direction. 虽然日本不是性别平等的理想之地,但是它正朝着正确的方向迈出步伐。 More and more women are trailblazing lifelong career... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-11-02 New research reveals that the modern man is more image-obsessed than ever, spending over four years of his life perfecting his appearance. Women, on the other hand, spend three years. 一项新的调查研究显示,现代的男性与之前相比更注重自己的形象, 一生... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-11-02 While star Daniel Radcliffe has moved on to an intriguing array of indie films, J.K. Rowling's fantastical world of Harry Potter still holds a firm grasp on the public's imagination. 当影星丹尼尔雷德克里夫凭借系列独立电影继续演艺事业时,JK罗琳依旧凭... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-11-02 Britain is losing its libido. That is the striking conclusion of an Observer survey -- published in the new Sex Uncovered supplement -- which reveals that the average British adult has sex only four times a month, less than once a week. 《观察家报》... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-11-02 Ikea has revealed a 'convertible' desk that transforms from a standard desk to a standing one at the touch of a button, and hopes it could make the standing desk mainstream. 宜家近日推出了一款名为BEKANT的可调节的站立式办公桌,使用者只需按一下按钮便... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-11-02 Overweight people will be paid to lose weight, under radical new Government plans unveiled today to tackle the escalating obesity crisis. 为了应对日益严重的国民肥胖危机,英国政府近日出台了一项新的激励计划,提出肥胖者减肥将得到奖励。 Under the NHS-ba... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-11-02 作为首个宣称自己是gay是全球500强CEO,库克的出柜获得了一片喝彩。然而也许有人会问:为什么现在才出柜? Apple's Tim Cook is the first publicly gay CEO of a Fortune 500 company. Amid the din of applause, one might also ask: What took so long? Public conf... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-11-02 漫画家阿尔卡拉斯在万圣节到来之际画了一幅漫画,讽刺了美国人害怕什么、媒体在谈论什么以及谈论不够多的是什么。 Cartoonist Lalo Alcaraz made a cartoon just in time for Halloween that lampoons what scares Americans, what the media focuses on, and what isn... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-11-02 英国一名女子自从有天中了冰岛之行的大奖后,开始辞职专门在家参加抽奖。40岁的迪寇克原本是一名平面设计师,年薪至少1.5万英镑。自从17年前辞职在家专职抽奖以来,已经赚了25.5万英镑。她曾经中过超过50个家庭旅行大奖,去过的地方包括巴西、日本等异国他乡。她甚至用... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-10-31 Apple CEO Tim Cook says he's proud to be gay. 苹果公司首席执行官提姆库克称,作为同性恋他感到非常自豪。 The public declaration, in an essay written for Bloomberg Businessweek, makes Cook the highest-profile business CEO to come out as gay. Cook said... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-10-31 Amway (China) Co., Limited was recently arranging their job fair at Renmin University in Beijing. 安利中国有限公司最近在中国人民大学安排了一场招聘会。 Zhai Minghe, a senior PR manager with the company told of her experience on climbing the career la... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-10-30 New analysis from the World Health Organization is suggesting the Ebola outbreak in Liberia may have topped out. 世界卫生组织的最新分析显示,埃博拉病毒在利比里亚的传染可能已达到极限。 The WHO says it's now seeing a 25 percent week-on-week reduction... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-10-28 Amway Corp, the world's largest direct selling company, has opened its first experience center in Shanghai as part of its efforts to further expand its presence in China. 安利集团,世界上最大的直销公司,在中国上海开设了首家体验中心,为进一步扩大其在... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-10-27 German car producer Audi AG recalls 850,000 A4 sedan cars worldwide due to possible airbag problems, a Audi spokesman said Thursday. 德国汽车生产商奥迪公司宣布全球召回85万辆A4轿车,这些车辆可能的安全气囊可能存在问题。 Because of a software error, ai... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-10-27 Thousands of demonstrators gathered in Budapest on Sunday to protest the Hungarian government's Internet tax plan. 数千名示威者周日汇聚到布达佩斯抗议匈牙利政府对互联网课税的计划。 Thousands of demonstrators march through the streets of Budapest as t... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-10-24 More than half of British workers have never asked their boss for a pay rise, a survey has found. 一项调查发现英国过半数员工从来没有跟老板谈过加薪。 Only 46 per cent of people have had a conversation with their employer about increasing their pay --... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-10-24 Ever wished you could clamber aboard your cumbersome luggage to zoom down a hill or coast through an airport? 有没有想过有一天你能跨上你那笨重的行李箱,让它带你滑下山或穿行机场呢? Driven by the same desire, Slovenian frequent flier Bostjan Zagar ha... 阅读全文>>

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