日期:2012-11-25 日本东京一家珠宝店近期打造了一棵自动旋转的纯金圣诞树,配以纯金制成的米老鼠、灰姑娘等50个迪斯尼卡通形象作为装饰,售价为420万美元。 The tree-like ornament is made of 40 kg of pure gold, standing about 2.4 meters high and 1.2 meters in diameter. For th... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-11-25 感恩节迎来美国出行高峰,但因大批车辆在飓风桑迪袭击期间被毁,美国东北部地区的租车需求在此期间急剧增加。 Thanksgiving travelers who have yet to rent a car in the Northeast are out of luck: Superstorm Sandy has created a shortage. The storm has damaged... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-11-25 西班牙政府拟推出新政,凡购买价值16万欧元及以上房产的外国人,将可获得西班牙永久居留权。 Spain is considering offering rich investors from countries such as Russia and China the right to settle in return for them buying up property in the stagnant(不... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-11-23 The International Criminal Court has issued an arrest warrant for Simone Gbagbo, the wife of Ivory Coast's ex-President Laurent Gbagbo. 国际刑事法庭颁发了一份逮捕令,对象是科特迪瓦前总统洛朗巴博之妻西蒙妮巴博。 Simone Gbagbo, a politician in her own... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-11-21 San Francisco lawmakers have voted to ban nudity in public places. 旧金山立法委员投票通过了禁止在公共场所裸体的决议。 City officials voted 6-5 in favour of banning anyone over five from exposing his or her genitals(生殖器) , perineum(会阴) or an... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-11-21 Opium production in Afghanistan has fallen by a third, according to a United Nations report. 一份联合国报告显示,阿富汗的罂粟产量下降了1/3。 The fall came even as the amount of land used to cultivate the crop rose by 18%, the UN Office on Drugs and... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-11-21 New Zealand's Mount Tongariro has erupted again, having rumbled back to life in August after more than a century of quiet. 新西兰汤加里罗火山再次喷发,它在沉寂了一个多世纪后,自八月份开始偶尔隆隆作响。 Mt Tongariro, pictured just after the eruption... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-11-20 Brazilian football star Bruno Fernandes has gone on trial, accused of ordering the killing of a former lover whose body has never been found. 巴西球星布鲁诺费南德斯涉嫌下令谋杀前情人而受审,该女子尸体尚未被发现。 Fernandes and two other defendants a... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-11-20 A man who locked a fake bomb around the neck of a teenage girl in an apparent extortion attempt has been jailed for 13-and-a-half years by an Australian court. 澳大利亚某男子将一颗假炸弹绑在一位少女脖子上企图敲诈,最终被法院判有期徒刑13年半。 Paul D... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-11-20 Saw-wielding thieves have stolen a series of ancient carvings from a California cliff side. 盗贼用锯偷走了加利福尼亚州一处悬崖壁上的古代石刻。 The thieves tried to take several petroglyphs but aborted and left them badly scarred At least four of the... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-11-18 The reelection is won, so it's no wonder Michelle Obama is looking for some relaxing entertainment to get through those four more years. 美国总统奥巴马连任成功后,米歇尔终于可以找些让人放松的娱乐活动来消遣,度过未来的四年时光了。 And the first lady... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-11-18 Nearly three quarters of Venice was flooded on Monday and tourists swam in St Mark's Square as a wave of bad weather swept through northern and central Italy, forcing the evacuation of 200 people from their homes in Tuscany. 由于意大利北部和中部地区... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-11-18 To the casual observer, this young couple look just like any other teenagers in love. But pretty Katie Hill and her boyfriend Arin Andrews share a unique bond - they were both born as the opposite sex. 乍一看,这对年轻的情侣和其他热恋中的年轻人没什... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-11-18 Military training was suspended, flights rescheduled and emergency calls reserved for latecomers as hundreds of thousands of South Korean students sat a crucial college entrance examination. 军事训练暂停、航班重新调整时间、紧急呼叫电话为迟到考生预留... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-11-16 US President Barack Obama has consoled bereaved residents in areas of New York that still have no electricity 17 days after the deadly super-storm Sandy. 美国总统奥巴马慰问了超级风暴仙蒂过后17天仍未通上电的部分纽约地区居民。 Mr Obama took a helicopt... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-11-16 A freight train in Texas has crashed into a parade float, killing four people and injuring 16 others. 美国德克萨斯州一列货运车撞上游行花车,造成4人死亡、16人受伤。 There were 26 people on the float that was hit by the train The crash happened at a r... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-11-15 South African police have arrested a man who they say swallowed 220 polished diamonds in an attempt to smuggle them out of the country. 南非警方逮捕了一名男子,该男子吞下了220颗打磨过的钻石以走私出境。 The man was arrested as he waited to board a pl... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-11-14 A global treaty to crack down on the deadly trade of fake medicines is urgently needed, say experts. 专家称,打击假药销售的全球性协议迫切需要达成。 Currently, there are more sanctions around the use of illegal tobacco than counterfeit drugs(假药)... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-11-14 Toyota has said it will recall 2.7 million cars worldwide due to problems with the steering wheel and water pump system. 因方向盘和水泵问题,丰田将全球召回270万辆车。 The recall affects nine models, including the Toyota Corolla and the second-genera... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-11-14 Heavy flooding in Italy has killed four people in Tuscany as rain caused rivers to break their banks, reports say. 降雨导致意大利托斯卡纳区的河堤崩溃,洪灾造成至少四人死亡。 Floods in Venice have left 70% of the historic port city under water Three... 阅读全文>> |