日期:2012-11-14 Tens of thousands of tourists and astronomers gathered in northern Australia to glimpse a rare total solar eclipse. 数以万计的游客和天文爱好者齐聚澳大利亚北部地区观赏一场罕见的日全食。 The eclipse, which occurs when the moon passes between the Earth... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-11-13 Steven Sinofsky, the head of Microsoft's Windows division, has left the company with immediate effect. 微软Windows部门总裁史蒂文辛诺夫斯基离开微软,立即生效。 Mr Sinofsky oversaw the launch of Windows 8 the latest edition of its flagship product His... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-11-13 A top trader at Nigeria's biggest donkey market has been abducted by gunmen, a police spokesman says. 尼日利亚最大的驴市的一位顶级交易员被歹徒劫持。 About 200 donkeys are reportedly slaughtered at the market every day Al-Haji Salisu Yunusa's abducti... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-11-13 South Africa's police are hunting for a gang which stole art worth $2m from a museum in the capital, Pretoria. 南非警方正在追捕一个犯罪团伙,该团伙从首都比勒陀利亚某博物馆偷走价值200万美元的艺术品。 This 1931 painting Fishing Boats by Irma Stern was... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-11-13 A Canadian man who was believed to have been in a vegetative state for more than a decade, has been able to tell scientists that he is not in any pain. 加拿大一位保持植物人状态长达10年的男子,已能够告诉科学家他无任何疼痛感。 It's the first time an u... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-11-12 Apple and Taiwanese phonemaker HTC have settled all their outstanding disputes over patents, ending a fight that began in March 2010. 苹果与台湾手机厂商HTC解决了所有的专利纠纷,结束了自2010年三月就开始的争斗。 The two firms also signed a 10-year lic... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-11-12 Former BBC director general Mark Thompson is due to start his new job as chief executive and president of the New York Times newspaper. BBC前总裁马克汤普逊将担任《纽约时报》首席执行官、董事长。 Mark Thompson led the BBC in 2004-12 The NYT appointed... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-11-12 Anti-drug agents in Paraguay have seized nearly 1,700kg of cocaine. 巴拉圭禁毒机构缴获了大约1700公斤可卡因。 Bolivians, Brazilians and Paraguayans were among the 20 people arrested They say the drug was about to be taken on small planes to neighbour... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-11-11 Voters in Maryland, Maine and Washington state approved same-sex marriage on Tuesday, marking the first time marriage rights have been extended to same-sex couples by popular vote. 美国马里兰州、缅因州、和华盛顿州的选民本周二投票认可了同性婚姻合法化... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-11-11 The pop culture phenomenon known as Gangnam Style has finally reached the highest office of the United States. When asked about the craze, President Obama simply remarked, I think I can do that move. 大热的《江南style》终于流传到了美国白宫。在被问及... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-11-08 A multi-storey department store has collapsed in the capital of Ghana, Accra, trapping dozens of people in the rubble. 加纳首都阿克拉一座多层百货商店发声坍塌,数十人被困于废墟之中。 Rescue efforts are continuing, with officials saying that at least... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-11-07 Bolivia has returned a 700-year-old mummy to Peru, from where it was stolen by antiquities traffickers. 玻利维亚已将一具700年历史的木乃伊归还秘鲁,该木乃伊在秘鲁被文物贩子盗走。 The mummy was seized as a woman prepared to illegally ship it to France... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-11-07 Plans to legalise same-sex marriage and allow gay couples to adopt are to be discussed at a meeting of the French Socialist government. 法国社会党政府将要开会讨论同性婚姻合法化以及允许同性恋伴侣收养孩子。 France already allows civil unions between s... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-11-07 Tokelau has become the first territory able to meet all its electricity needs with solar power, officials say. 托克劳官员称,托克劳成为世界上首个完全利用太阳能供电的国家。 The South Pacific territory - comprising the three atolls(环礁) of Atafu, N... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-11-07 Sudan President Omar al-Bashir has undergone a minor operation in Saudi Arabia, state media says. 苏丹国家媒体称,总统奥马尔巴沙尔在沙特阿拉伯接受一个小手术。 Mr Bashir, 68, underwent a successful small operation in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, they s... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-11-06 Malawi has suspended laws against same-sex relationships pending a decision on whether to repeal the legislation, the justice minister has said. 马拉维司法部长称,反同性关系法案已被搁置,直至是否废除该立法的决策推出为止。 Police have been ordered no... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-11-06 Greece is braced for a 48-hour general strike across public and private sectors in protest at a proposed new wave of spending cuts. 希腊公共和私营部门将迎来抗议新一轮削减开支提议的48小时大罢工。 Protest marches - which regularly end in running battl... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-11-05 Hyundai and Kia Motors shares have dipped as the firms admitted they had overstated the fuel efficiency of some of their vehicles and said they would compensate US consumers. 现代与起亚两汽车公司承认夸大了某些车型的燃油效率并声称将对美国消费者提出补... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-11-05 A small boy has died after falling into an enclosure of African wild dogs at a zoo in the US city of Pittsburgh. 美国城市匹兹堡一座公园内,一个小男孩落入饲养非洲豺狗的围墙后死亡。 The child, said to have been aged about three, had been on an outing... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-11-02 Why is the US military preparing for a zombie apocalypse? That's the latest training exercise that US Marines and Navy special-operations forces will be taking part in on an island off the coast of San Diego starting on Wednesday, aka Halloween. 为... 阅读全文>> |