日期:2009-04-23 The global economy is set to decline by 1.3% in 2009, in the first global recession since World War II, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) says. 国际货币基金组织称,2009年全球经济将会降低1.3%,这是二战以来首次全球经济衰退。 In January, the IMF ha... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-04-22 General Motors (GM) and Chrysler are to get more loans from the US treasury as the troubled carmakers work on plans to try and make themselves viable. 美国通用和克莱斯勒为维持生产向美国国库借更多贷款。 Chrysler has already received a $4bn US governm... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-04-17 Annual growth in China's gross domestic product (GDP) slowed in the first quarter of 2009 to 6.1%, the National Bureau of Statistics has announced. 国家统计局宣布,中国2009年第一季度GDP年度增长缓慢到6.1%。 China's exports have been declining as wor... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-04-17 Google, the internet search engine, has announced strong results for the first three months of this year. 互联网搜索引擎谷歌,发布了今年第一季度的财政报告。 Google profits beat analysts' expectations Net profit for the quarter was $1.42bn (0.95bn),... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-04-15 US President Barack Obama has said there are signs of economic progress but underlined that times remain tough. 美国总统奥巴马表示已有经济复苏的迹象但是仍强调局势依然很严峻。 Separately Federal Reserve head Ben Bernanke talked of tentative(实验性质... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-04-12 A file photo of the Museum of American Finance.The global economic crisis wears on, but the Museum of American Finance is already documenting its history in an exhibit that opened on Wednesday. The global economic crisis wears on, but the Museum of... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-04-12 本周一,美国政府宣布汽车行业重整计划,敦促通用和克莱斯勒在规定期限内重组,否则不排除令其破产的可能。受此影响,道琼斯指数直降3.71%,纳斯达克跌3.37%;伦敦股市跌3.49%后收盘,巴黎和法兰克福各跌4.27%和5.1%。亚太地区股市也纷纷大幅下挫,日本股市下挫4.5... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-03-30 One in five US workers regularly attends after-work drinks with co-workers. A small political party angry at bonuses paid to staff of bailed out insurance giant American International Group is organizing a bus tour to the Connecticut homes of severa... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-03-30 6. Public Universities The recession may be hurting public colleges' budgets, but it's boosting their appeal to students. The Connecticut State University System expects an 11 percent rise in applications this year, while Oregon State University's a... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-03-30 If there are silver linings to the recession, they're not immediately apparent. After all, the national unemployment rate is 8.1 percent, the highest since 1983, and economists predict it will reach 9 percent by 2010. Gross domestic product is forec... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-03-30 昨日,新一轮的全国性罢工席卷法国,愤怒的工人们要求总统萨科奇就政府抵御经济危机出台新的应对措施。自经济陷入低迷以来,法国共发生了200多次示威游行。调查显示,这些示威游行得到了四分之三法国公众的支持,由此也表明民众开始对萨科奇的改革承诺信心渐失。此次罢... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-03-30 在失业率不断攀升的情况下,移民大国澳大利亚16日宣布将削减14%的技术移民名额,把工作机会留给本国公民。澳大利亚移民部长克里斯埃文斯表示,2009年至2010年澳大利亚的技术移民名额将从13.35万名减少到11.5万名。移民要求的职业也会有所减少。据报道,由于澳大利亚国... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-03-16 Warrent Buffet,Bill Gates and Carlos Slim(L-R).US tycoons are back on top with Microsoft founder Bill Gates again the world's richest man in a year when even billionaires felt the heat of the global recession, Forbes magazine said Wednesday. US tyco... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-03-09 An international survey finds that women are less likely to get into debt and strive harder to become financially independent. When it comes to money, women really are more responsible than men, with an international survey finding that they're less... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-03-09 Broke, desperate Americans are most likely to be targeted by scam artists and the amount they lose is rising, the National Consumers League said. The non-profit group received 15,000 complaints last year about fraud, including 5,742 from people repo... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-02-24 The US government should roll out a team of mental health professionals to soothe Americans anguished over the economic losses and encourage them to spend and invest, a New York psychiatrist says. Dr. Richard Friedman of the Cornell Weill Medical Ce... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-02-17 曾经风光无限的华尔街钻石单身汉们在经济低迷、无事可做的时候开始寻找真爱了。据华尔街一家高端婚介所负责人称,愿意支付2.5万美元年费参加相亲的客户在近期有所增加,不过他们面对的却不是几年前众人追捧的局面。很多女性在经历经济危机后发现金融业并不是一个稳定的... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-02-17 据彭博新闻社对全球六大洲用户进行的调查显示,2月份的彭博专业人士全球信心指数从1月的8.7下降到8.5。这一指数低于50意味着悲观者人数多于乐观者。数据显示,2月份,美国对本国的经济信心指数从9.5下降到8.6,拉丁美洲的信心指数从16.1跌落至10.4,西欧的指数从8.4上... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-02-13 据彭博新闻社对全球六大洲用户进行的调查显示,2月份的彭博专业人士全球信心指数从1月的8.7下降到8.5。这一指数低于50意味着悲观者人数多于乐观者。数据显示,2月份,美国对本国的经济信心指数从9.5下降到8.6,拉丁美洲的信心指数从16.1跌落至10.4,西欧的指数从8.4上... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-02-13 美国通用汽车本周二宣布,今年将在全球范围内裁员近1万名,占到其员工总数的14%,另外还将对大部分剩余工作岗位进行减薪。去年12月份,通用获得美国政府134亿美元的救助贷款,此次裁员减薪计划是为了在得到救助贷款后的机构重组中尽量降低成本。通用表示,在美国的2950... 阅读全文>>

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